
Monday, July 9, 2012

Beijing 2012 - Day 21 (Last day, Peking duck)

Our last night in Beijing: It's been quite a journey from that initial transcontinental flight to this point. Following our final week of class we commenced upon a four-day weekend of travels, both in and outside of Beijing. Now everyone is back together (including one student who battled some unexpected visa delays in Hong Kong) and we're just about done with class. 

Students delivered their final presentations this morning, demonstrating their mastery over a rich tapestry of theories, arguments, and insights about contemporary urban culture. Then we celebrated with a "Peking Duck experience" at Dadong Restaurant, savoring the fanciest meal we've had this entire trip [Of course a few of us gathered once more at "The Italian Place" later in the evening]. A gentle rain is falling now and we're all settling in for some much needed rest.

We just have to pack and prepare for one more bus ride to the airport tomorrow afternoon, our last one in China before we head home. It's been a quite an adventure, one filled with unforgettable sights, sounds (and a few memorable smells and tastes). China is now part of the personal narrative for each one of these SJSU students. No doubt, many will be returning soon. We've spent three weeks here, but there is still so much to learn and do!

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