
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

L.A. Dingbats - Part 3

This is my final post of images from my L.A. Dingbat Tour (day one/day two morning).

1436 Hauser Av

1436 Hauser Av (detail)

382 Palos Verdes Blvd

5447 Russell Av

142 Paseo De La Concha

1928 South Sherbourne Dr

1016 Holt Av

3700-3708 Inglewood Blvd

1426 Orange Grove Av

1536 Orange Grove Av

(Photographs by Andrew Wood)


  1. Andrew--thanks for these! I hate to nitpick, but that's not the correct address for the Park Sherbourne one--I should know: I used to live right across the street. Across the street is 1939, so that place might be 1940 or 1938...not sure exactly.

    And when I took a photo of it, the P was missing:

  2. Keep those nitpicks coming! :-)

    I want to get the addresses correct.

    As it happened, I took photos of the addresses and street signs when they weren't apparent in the pix...

    But I accidentally deleted this one! So I'll revise my text to reflect your approximate address.

  3. Okay, because I'm a dork I went into ZIMAS, the LA Department of City Planning's online GIS zoning system. The address is 1936 Sherbourne.

    That Hauser building in the first photo is sublime.

  4. Okay--my memory failed me. The green & white striped building is the one across from 1939 Sherbourne.

    Incidentally, this is somewhat a rough neighborhood. My wife and I awoke early one morning when we heard a voice issuing instructions through a bullhorn. We looked out the window and saw the SWAT team in front of the striped building. There were officers holding machine guns blocking our driveway, and we had to kindly ask them if they could move so we could go to work.

  5. On the Hauser: I had nightmares finding this spot. I had the street but no actual address. Then I had to navigate around the L.A. Marathon, which snarled and blocked many of the exact neighborhoods I wanted to visit. Finally, as a non-native with a crappy map, it was pretty rough finding my way around.

    Along with a lot of luck reaching this site in good afternoon sunlight (after morning fog), the Hauser photo is due in large part to a nice woman with a terrific English accent who, after kindly entertaining my sad story of being lost at a gas station where we were both filling our tanks, whipped out a detailed street map and helped me work my way from Franklin to Western to Wilshire to Hauser (across Pico) to Dingbat heaven.

    Note to self: Next time, I'm buying a decent street map for the LA metroplex!

  6. Evan (or anyone else who shares my desire to get exact addresses for these things), can I impose upon you to help me find this awesome Dingbat? I'd like to photograph it myself when I return to LA someday. street number is 1553 - and the photographer tags the street as La Brea Av, but I couldn't find this building either via personal reconnoitering or Google Street View. I'm sure I'm making a silly mistake in overlooking this site...

    Any ideas?

  7. Hmm...I'll look into it.

    But, speaking off the top of my head, I doubt that's on La Brea. Google Maps shows nothing like that on South La Brea, or North La Brea (here in LA you have to be careful to note if an address is N or S). It just looks out of place for La Brea.

  8. Bingo! It's 1553 S. Fairfax. I thought it could have been there (Fairfax and La Brea being close to each other, I thought the other photographer might have gotten confused).

    Check it out on Google Streetview:,+los+angeles&sll=34.046398,-118.345195&sspn=0.003831,0.009656&ie=UTF8&ll=34.050028,-118.367708&spn=0.008107,0.019312&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=34.048178,-118.367393&panoid=huekcOwjKfLDZxyKEwailQ&cbp=12,293.73,,0,5

  9. Too cool! I only wish I'd sought your advice on this when I was there yesterday. No worries: I will return and this site will be my first stop.

    It appears that this building is on the west side of Fairfax, and it is in shadow in this image. So after chatting with my spouse, who is much better than me in figuring these things out, it appears that this site will be properly lit to photograph in the morning...

  10. I'm also hoping to visit
    1519 Stoner Ave Los Angeles CA. Here's an image online: Apparently there is no room 420.
