
Thursday, January 7, 2010

L.A. Dingbats - Part 4

Following up on previous stops in my L.A. Dingbat Tour (1, 2, and 3) here's the fourth installment of my adventures in move-in modernism (ohhh, sounds like the title I might use!). I'll begin with a sign that dingbat owners are fully capable of getting a laugh out of their otherwise bland structures. That's right: This place is called CheeZee Apartments (10617 Woodbine Street). Oh, and take a look at the owner's logo (lower left)...

Another one of my favorite Dingbat names: "Quo Vadis" (1502 Wellesley Avenue). Translated from the Latin, this means (something to the effect of) "Where are you going?" That's an illustration of how some Dingbats work; they transform an otherwise bland situation into something memorable through strategic excess.

Perhaps the goofiest use of strategic excess: A dingbat apartment called "Che" (927 6th Street). Yes, this place comes complete with an icon of the revered and reviled revolutionary. I have no idea why...

Want some more Dingbats? Of course you do! The following are some of my other new favorites, discovered during a delightful December visit that was blessed with clear blue skies and manageable traffic (a rarity in the L.A. metroplex).

11333 Venice Boulevard

5871 South Fairfax Avenue

5871 South Fairfax Avenue (3/4 view)

3550 Jasmine Avenue

3438 Mentone Avenue

1642 Westgate Avenue (dig the faux Asian font, above)

1642 Westgate Avenue (detail view)

1433 9th Street

917 6th Street

917 6th Street (detail view)

Check back tomorrow. I'm posting pix of my absolute favorite Dingbat. I'd waited for a long time to see this one, and it was entirely worth the visit. Beyond that, I'm not sure when I'll return to L.A. But I know I'll keep my eyes open for more Dingbats to share. Any advice on next stops? Please post a comment.

(Photographs by Andrew Wood)


  1. I recently moved nearby Quo Vadis! I haven't gotten a picture yet, though. I see you visited the neighborhood in Santa Monica I mentioned. I love the tile and numbers on 917 6th Street.

  2. Cool! And, oh yea, your Santa Monica recommendations were perfect!

  3. CHE was not original. That seems to have been added much later. Being a big fan of dingbats, and owning some I have become a sort of de-facto expert on the fonts used in that era. Nice collection of photos though.

  4. Love the first one - CheeZee - because of the lazy cat in the window in the upper right, sunning itself, draped across what appears to be a piece of furniture! Very unique architectural style! I love apartments, partly because I spent a good portion of my early life living in them, although not nearly as unique as these!
