Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blog Redesign

Today I decided to redesign Woodland Shoppers Paradise - and it's about time.

This morning I began to read some of my colleagues' blogs when I noticed how much more snappy their designs are than mine. I'd been stuck with the same generic default format for about three years, always dreading the potential that a revision would royally screw up my pages. And yes, I ended up spending much of the day fiddling with details. But Blogger's relatively new Template Designer allowed me plenty of flexibility in building a site around a swell background image (photographed during a research trip to Alberta's West Edmonton Mall).

Take a look and please let me know: Any problems? Any glitches?


detroit dog said...

Looks great -- very clean, well organized. The background photo looks cool, too.

highway163 said...

Thanks, DD! I appreciate it. :-)

Mansi said...

I like how much cleaner this is. It has a more open look and feel to it...I guess the background photo, offering a different perspective...a peek into a bigger, wider world, helps as well :-)

highway163 said...

Thanks, Mansi! Your blog was one that inspired me!

Zaki said...

Nice! I'm diggin' the new look! Very sharp and easy to read.

highway163 said...

Thanks, Zaki! You and Mansi inspired me!